Batman tag

Batman's popularity amongst players

Chart showing Batman tag reviews over time (total, average and as a percentage of all games released on Steam).

On this chart, you can see the reviews for games associated with the Batman tag, both as count and as a percentage of all Steam reviews, and the value for an average game. Note that if the chart is cluttered, you can always deactivate some lines by clicking on the legend.

While the review count clearly quantifies the reviews a tag receives, keep in mind that it also follows the popularity of Steam itself. The value normalized as a percentage of all Steam reviews is often more revealing, as it gives you the popularity trend for Batman tag games.

A standard game associated with this tag received on average between 4 (2020) and 2 (2021) reviews. Bear in mind that it is the average, and it can be strongly influenced by extreme values, like the release of a very popular game with this tag.

The reviews per game as a percentage of the average show that games in the Batman tag received between 0% (2021) and 1% (2020) reviews compared to other tags.

Positive reviews ratio for Batman, per language

Chart showing the percentage of positive steam reviews for Batman

This chart shows an aggregated Steam rating for all the Batman tag games, classed by language. It helps estimate how different audiences judge a game with this tag. A lower rating doesn't always mean that the audience doesn't enjoy that particular tag, as some cultures tend to always give lower scores. But it will affect a game's rating nonetheless.

The best rating for Batman games is 100% for the Korean audience, and the worst is 78% for the English audience.

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