Egg Splat Studios - Steam Game Publisher

Games published3  Top 10%
First GameLost Alone (Jun 9, 2020)
Latest GameBattles In Space (Apr 18, 2023)
Copies Sold (Total)1.8K
Copies Sold (Per Game)608
Gross Revenue (Total)203  Bottom 30%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)102  Bottom 25%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)6  / 34
Average Play Time10 minutes  Bottom 1%
Partner Developers

Egg Splat Studios's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Egg Splat Studios games genres for games they published.

This donut chart displays the genres of Egg Splat Studios's published games. Keep in mind that one game can have multiple genres, so the total is often higher than the number of games published.

Egg Splat Studios is specialized in publishing Action genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for about 4 years (2020 - 2023).

They published 3 games, from which one is free. The average price of their games is 1.99$.

Egg Splat Studios's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Egg Splat Studios published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph displays Steam reviews languages accross all of Egg Splat Studios's games. It is based on 34 reviews received by their 3 games Top 10%.

The most popular language is English (71%), followed by Russian (12%). The player's languages are not very diversified, with only 6 different languages appearing in this publisher reviews. The strong concentration in the English language suggests that Egg Splat Studios could benefit from diversifying the translations of their games. Marketing their games to non-English audiences is also very important.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Lost Alone Logo
Lost Alone Logo
Lost Alone
You are an intern headed to a secret military lab. Your plane crashes into a helicopter on arrival and you are the only survivor. Now you must hunt down different items to survive. But it's not so simple.
1.99N/AJun 9, 2020
Humans V Zombies Logo
Humans V Zombies Logo
Humans V Zombies
Play Humans Versus Zombies, a new kind of battle royal FPS. There are three distinct game modes, survival mode, get to the objective, last man standing.
Free33.3%Jul 29, 2020
Battles In Space Logo
Battles In Space Logo
Battles In Space
Classic board game brought to PC and space! Battles in space is a Sci fi version of a classic board game. Place your fleet and fire away at enemy locations. Play with a friend on local mode or vs an AI.
1.99N/AApr 18, 2023