Wathitdew Record - Steam Game Publisher

Games published8  Top 2% (+ 1 not released yet)
First GameShadow Fear™ Path to Insanity (Oct 29, 2018)
Latest GameAdventure Field™ Remake (Aug 7, 2023)
Copies Sold (Total)2.3K
Copies Sold (Per Game)287
Gross Revenue (Total)1.5K
Gross Revenue (Per Game)220  Bottom 35%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)17  / 44
Average Play Time3.1 hours
Partner Developer

Wathitdew Record's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Wathitdew Record games genres for games they published.

This donut chart displays the genres of Wathitdew Record's published games. Keep in mind that it is possible to add more than one genre to the same game, meaning that the total does not equal the number of games published.

Wathitdew Record specializes in publishing Adventure genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for almost 7 years (from 2018 to 2024).

They published 8 games, from which one is free. They have 1 new publisher project coming soon. Their games average price is 7.84$.

Wathitdew Record's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Wathitdew Record published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart displays the languages of Wathitdew Record's reviewers. It uses 44 reviews collected from their 8 games Top 2%.

The most popular language is English (59%), followed by French (18%). The player's languages are not very diversified, with only 9 different languages appearing in this publisher reviews. The strong concentration in the English language suggests that Wathitdew Record could benefit from diversifying the translations of their games. Marketing their games to non-English audiences is also very important.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Shadow Fear™ Path to Insanity Logo
Shadow Fear™ Path to Insanity Logo
Shadow Fear™ Path to Insanity
There's been several reports of disappearances in the neighbourhood of Lencour. You are given the hint that the old mansion in the mountains might just be the host of these mysterious disappearances. You feel the need to go see for yourself, but you also have no choices...
9.99N/AOct 29, 2018
Adventure Field™ 3 Definitive Edition Logo
Adventure Field™ 3 Definitive Edition Logo
Adventure Field™ 3 Definitive Edition
You are a young student living in Sarook. The perfect young student, but you feel something is not right. In dream you see a sword with a powerful aura. This sword is sent to the future from the past and you get teleported. You have to fight your way home with no real promises of success...
Free69.6%Mar 30, 2020
In my dream i saw that island... I'm now there and there is no turning back... A lonely knight on a deadly island... This game is a short real time combat collectathon with a cartoony looks in the style of zelda and dark souls where you have to collect golden coins to progress through 6 biomes...
3.99N/AAug 10, 2020
Adventure Field™ 4 Logo
Adventure Field™ 4 Logo
Adventure Field™ 4
Several years after Atoa defeated his evil self. Eras and Marok took the place as leader of Sarook. Atoa defeated the evil that was born from him but a greater danger was looking upon Sarook kingdom... The great dragon wars. Years later, King Eras son Edrian is convoced to the castle...
9.99N/AFeb 7, 2021
Aeternum Quest™ Logo
Aeternum Quest™ Logo
Aeternum Quest™
Four Gems came into existence when the world was created, mankind harnessed these to create the "Aeternum Gem", too powerful to be used by the humans, they decided to shatter the gem back into four pieces and hide it. Thousand years have now past and mankind now wants the power of the gems back...
9.99N/ANov 4, 2021
PROJECT : KNIGHT™ 2 Dusk of Souls Logo
PROJECT : KNIGHT™ 2 Dusk of Souls Logo
PROJECT : KNIGHT™ 2 Dusk of Souls
I saw that tall castle in my dream where normally there was an island... I'm now lost and there is no turning back... A lonely knight on top of a deadly castle... This game is a real time combat collectathon in the style of Dark Souls where you have to collect emblems to progress through a castle...
8.99N/AAug 19, 2022
Wathitdew Record™ Game Studio BATTLEFIELD Logo
Wathitdew Record™ Game Studio BATTLEFIELD Logo
Wathitdew Record™ Game Studio BATTLEFIELD
Wathitdew Record™ present a new turn based arcade fighting game featuring four universes from Wathitdew™ Game Studio franchises! The characters from : Adventure Field™, PROJECT : KNIGHT™, Aeternum Quest™ and Shadow Fear™ Path to Insanity are waiting for you to join the battle!
6.99N/AApr 25, 2022
Adventure Field™ 5 Logo
Adventure Field™ 5 Logo
Adventure Field™ 5
After destroying the calamity king, Edrian reality is broken by his so-called dead father. The kingdom he once knew is gone and everyone with it as no memory of this distant reality. With only him, recalling his former reality, Edrian will have to find a way to get back what may be lost forever.
N/AN/ATo be announced
Adventure Field™ Remake Logo
Adventure Field™ Remake Logo
Adventure Field™ Remake
A long time ago, in the fabled kingdom of Sarook, a young boy was witness to words of light filling his dreams. An evil aura had consumed and poisoned the Sarook King's soul, and the corruption swayed him to unleash an army of monsters upon his own kingdom. Relive the very start of the legend...
4.99N/AAug 7, 2023