やぶから堂 - Steam Game Publisher

Games published5  Top 3% (+ 1 not released yet)
First GameNejicomiSimulator Vol.1 (Gapping, Amputee sex slave, Petrify, Time Stop) (Mar 31, 2021)
Latest GameNejicomiSimulator TMA02 - My Own Dedicated Weak Pussy Cow Vtuber's Confinement and Training! Choke-Clamping Deep-Digging RIP to her Life Masochistic-Orgasm!- (cheeky big boob faphole understanded her position) (Coming soon)
Copies Sold (Total)13K  Top 20%
Copies Sold (Per Game)2.6K  Top 30%
Gross Revenue (Total)185.8K  Top 10%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)37.2K  Top 20%
Average Steam Rating75.79%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)352  Top 15% / 425  Top 15%
Average Play Time1.2 hour  Bottom 35%
Average Play Time per Dollar3 minutes  Bottom 3%
Partner Developer

やぶから堂's Game Genres

Donut graph showing やぶから堂 games genres for games they published.

This donut chart displays the genres of やぶから堂's published games. Keep in mind that it is possible to add more than one genre to the same game, meaning that the total does not equal the number of games published.

やぶから堂 specializes in publishing Casual and Indie genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for almost 4 years (from 2021 to 2024). The average Steam rating of their games is 75.7% (Worst rating : NejicomiSimulator Vol.4 (a strong-willed lady gets soaked by a thick wild man's dick!) with 60%, Best rating : NejicomiSimulator Vol.5 - Big-boob Goat-chan is hung and fucked while her boobs are bouncing around!! - (Gapping, hard sex) with 93%).

They published 5 games, none of which is free. They have 1 new game coming soon. Their games average price is 20.99$ (Lowest price : NejicomiSimulator Vol.5 - Big-boob Goat-chan is hung and fucked while her boobs are bouncing around!! - (Gapping, hard sex) at 14.99$, Highest price : NejicomiSimulator Vol.1 (Gapping, Amputee sex slave, Petrify, Time Stop) at 24.99$).

やぶから堂's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for やぶから堂 published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart displays the languages of やぶから堂's reviewers. It uses 425 reviews Top 15% collected from their 5 games Top 3%.

The most popular language is Simplified Chinese (43%), followed by English (26%). The player's languages are diversified, with 13 different languages appearing in this publisher reviews.

PriceRatingRelease Date
NejicomiSimulator Vol.1 (Gapping, Amputee sex slave, Petrify, Time Stop) Logo
NejicomiSimulator Vol.1 (Gapping, Amputee sex slave, Petrify, Time Stop) Logo
NejicomiSimulator Vol.1 (Gapping, Amputee sex slave, Petrify, Time Stop)
A faphole simulator about a girl you can control with the mouse! Enjoy as this busty slut animated in smooth Live2D is wrecked by your virtual cock! Plenty of status effects included!
24.9976.7%Mar 31, 2021
NejicomiSimulator Vol.2 (Gapping, Amputee sex slave, Petrify, Time Stop) Logo
NejicomiSimulator Vol.2 (Gapping, Amputee sex slave, Petrify, Time Stop) Logo
NejicomiSimulator Vol.2 (Gapping, Amputee sex slave, Petrify, Time Stop)
A faphole simulator about a girl you can control with the mouse! Enjoy as this slut animated in smooth Live2D is wrecked by your virtual cock! Plenty of status effects included!
24.9970.5%Jul 12, 2021
NejicomiSimulator Vol.4 (a strong-willed lady gets soaked by a thick wild man's dick!) Logo
NejicomiSimulator Vol.4 (a strong-willed lady gets soaked by a thick wild man's dick!) Logo
NejicomiSimulator Vol.4 (a strong-willed lady gets soaked by a thick wild man's dick!)
A faphole simulator about a girl you can control with the mouse! Enjoy as this slut animated in smooth Live2D is wrecked by your virtual cock! Plenty of status effects included!
24.9960.8%Apr 14, 2022
NejicomiSimulator Vol.5 - Big-boob Goat-chan is hung and fucked while her boobs are bouncing around!! - (Gapping, hard sex) Logo
NejicomiSimulator Vol.5 - Big-boob Goat-chan is hung and fucked while her boobs are bouncing around!! - (Gapping, hard sex) Logo
NejicomiSimulator Vol.5 - Big-boob Goat-chan is hung and fucked while her boobs are bouncing around!! - (Gapping, hard sex)
A faphole simulator about a girl you can control with the mouse! Enjoy as this slut animated in smooth Live2D is wrecked by your virtual cock! Plenty of status effects included!
14.9993.2%May 25, 2023
NejicomiSimulator TMA01 - Continuous orgasm training of a big-boob maid with a powerful piston dildo! - (Gapping) Logo
NejicomiSimulator TMA01 - Continuous orgasm training of a big-boob maid with a powerful piston dildo! - (Gapping) Logo
NejicomiSimulator TMA01 - Continuous orgasm training of a big-boob maid with a powerful piston dildo! - (Gapping)
A faphole simulator about a girl you can control with the mouse! Enjoy as this slut animated in smooth Live2D is wrecked by your virtual cock! Plenty of status effects included!
14.9977.8%Apr 27, 2023
NejicomiSimulator TMA02 - My Own Dedicated Weak Pussy Cow Vtuber's Confinement and Training! Choke-Clamping Deep-Digging RIP to her Life Masochistic-Orgasm!- (cheeky big boob faphole understanded her position) Logo
NejicomiSimulator TMA02 - My Own Dedicated Weak Pussy Cow Vtuber's Confinement and Training! Choke-Clamping Deep-Digging RIP to her Life Masochistic-Orgasm!- (cheeky big boob faphole understanded her position) Logo
NejicomiSimulator TMA02 - My Own Dedicated Weak Pussy Cow Vtuber's Confinement and Training! Choke-Clamping Deep-Digging RIP to her Life Masochistic-Orgasm!- (cheeky big boob faphole understanded her position)
A Live2D onahole simulator that trains a big-boob VTuber drawn by Asanagi-sensei. Fully interlocked with mouse operation! Her facial expressions and voice changes as you insert her! Her body moves dynamically! Various parts can be switched to make her look the way you want her to look.
N/AN/AComing soon