Mapas do Horizonte - Um jogo para conhecer BH (Steam Game) Steam logo

Mapas do Horizonte - Um jogo para conhecer BH Header Image
Mapas do Horizonte - Um jogo para conhecer BH Header Image

Neste jogo infanto-juvenil gratuito que reúne quebra-cabeças em formatos diversos e jogos de encontrar objetos, o jogador conhece um pouco mais sobre a história da capital mineira ao passar por diversos desafios junto da professora Clara, da motorista Suely e da turma de alunos!

Developer  Publisher:  Genres:  Translations:  Features:  Tags:  
Release DateApr 13, 2018
Steam Rating (All Reviews)90% (positive)  Top 25%
Steam DB Rating (All Reviews)70.6%
Reviews10  Bottom 1%
Median Play Time21 min  Bottom 10%
Followers63  Bottom 15%
Owners± 15.4K 
Copies Sold± 5.8K 

Rating and Reviews (Monthly)

Chart showing the monthly evolution of Mapas do Horizonte - Um jogo para conhecer BH steam rating, positive and negative reviews.

This chart shows Mapas do Horizonte - Um jogo para conhecer BH's Steam rating and reviews from June 2018 to July 2022. Steam's rating is 90% since July 2022.

With its 10 reviews Bottom 1%, Mapas do Horizonte - Um jogo para conhecer BH might be a success for a hobbyist, or a small indie success if it was made in a short amount of time.

Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Mapas do Horizonte - Um jogo para conhecer BH and the proportion of players they represent.

This donut chart displays the languages of Mapas do Horizonte - Um jogo para conhecer BH's reviewers. The most popular language is Portuguese - Brazil (40%), followed by English (30%). There is diversity in the review languages, with 5 languages represented. The game has been translated in only one language (Portuguese - Brazil), it's always good to have more translations to access other markets.

Time Played

Chart displaying Mapas do Horizonte - Um jogo para conhecer BH percentiles of time played for positive, negative, and early access reviews.

This chart displays the time played in Mapas do Horizonte - Um jogo para conhecer BH for total reviews. (The amount of positive or negative reviews was too low.) The time played is unusually low, reaching only 26 minutes in the 80th percentile, but the game is free.

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