Krispy Animation - Steam Game Publisher

Games published4  Top 4% (+ 1 not released yet)
First GamePuzzle Party (Jun 15, 2020)
Latest GameCell Wars (Oct 20, 2023)
Copies Sold (Total)7.3K  Top 25%
Copies Sold (Per Game)1.8K
Gross Revenue (Total)51.1K  Top 20%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)12.8K  Top 25%
Average Steam Rating91.27%  Top 20%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)141  Top 20% / 198  Top 20%
Average Play Time4.3 hours  Top 30%
Average Play Time per Dollar46 minutes  Top 30%
Partner Developers

Krispy Animation's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Krispy Animation games genres for games they published.

This donut graph displays the genres of Krispy Animation's published games. Bear in mind that one game often has more than one genre, which means that the total can be higher than the number of games published.

Krispy Animation is specialized in publishing Casual genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for approximately 8 years (2017 - 2024). Their games average Steam rating is 91.2% (Lowest rating : Puzzle Party with 88%, Highest rating : Bedfellows FRENZY with 94%).

They published 4 games, but no free game yet. They have 1 new game coming soon. The average price of their games is 5.74$ (Cheapest : Puzzle Party at 4.99$, Most expensive : Clown In a House at 7.99$).

Krispy Animation's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Krispy Animation published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph shows reviewers languages for all of Krispy Animation's games. It is based on 198 reviews Top 20% received by their 4 games Top 4%.

The most popular language is English (68%), followed by Portuguese - Brazil (15%). There is diversity in the review languages, with 13 languages represented. The strong concentration in the English language suggests that Krispy Animation could benefit from diversifying the translations of their games. Marketing efforts towards non-English language medias could certainly help too.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Puzzle Party Logo
Puzzle Party Logo
Puzzle Party
Puzzle Party is a simple, damaged pixel style block pushing puzzle game with a few twists! Jump into the perpetual void as you immerse yourself in the odd tale of Amid, his old partner, and the strange phenomena that surrounds their abandoned passion project.
4.9988.2%Jun 15, 2020
Bedfellows FRENZY Logo
Bedfellows FRENZY Logo
Bedfellows FRENZY
Bedfellows FRENZY is a hard as hell, arcade style, smash and loot. Where you rage through various themed levels, demolish buildings, tear though the National Guard, and battle multiple bosses. Crushing and stomping your way up the leader boards, and to ULTIMATE VICTORY!
4.9994.7%Feb 22, 2017
Clown In a House Logo
Clown In a House Logo
Clown In a House
A lone clown explores a mysterious home. He meets strange inhabitants on his journey to discover why he exists. Join him, and you may discover a thing or two about yourself.
7.9990.9%Jul 20, 2021
Slam Dome Logo
Slam Dome Logo
Slam Dome
Slam Dome is a co-op action roguelike that revels in the era of badly translated arcade games and television. Equip yourself with insane weapons and gear to try to survive this top down online multiplayer experience. "Hey guys! Are you ready to slam?"
N/AN/AComing soon
Cell Wars Logo
Cell Wars Logo
Cell Wars
Cell Wars is a classic arcade shooter where your goal is to consume all enemy cells by shooting and eating them. Inspired by NES graphics, gameplay from arcade 80s cabinets, and early 2000s skill tree systems. Unlock abilities and skills to survive waves of regular, elite and boss cells.
4.99N/AOct 20, 2023