Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail (Steam Game) Steam logo

Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail Header Image
Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail Header Image

FREE PROLOGUE! Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders is an action-adventure RPG with base-building elements, where you take on the role of a classic hero who stands up to the tyranny and injustice that haunts Sherwood. Fight, craft, steal, and of course help the local people grow and prosper.

Release DateAug 9, 2023
Steam Rating (All Reviews)84.6% (positive)
Steam DB Rating (All Reviews)79.8%  Top 20%
Reviews725  Top 15%
Curators7 reviews
Median Play Time3.5 hours
Followers6.3K  Top 15%
Owners± 48.3K  Top 25%
Copies Sold± 48.3K  Top 15%

Rating and Reviews (Monthly)

Chart showing the monthly evolution of Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail steam rating, positive and negative reviews.

Here you can see Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail's Steam rating and reviews between August 2023 and December 2023. Steam's rating oscillates between 81.4% (August 2023) and 84.7% (November 2023), with relatively small variations.

With 725 reviews Top 15%, Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail could be an indie success or even a small AAA success.

Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail and the proportion of players they represent.

This doughnut chart shows Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail's review languages. The most popular language is English (34%), followed by Simplified Chinese (23%). The player's languages are well diversified, with 23 different languages appearing in the reviews. The game is available in 7 languages. Unless the game has a lot of dialogues, translating is usually not a lot of work compared to completing a game, therefore adding more translations is generally recommended.

Time Played

Chart displaying Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail percentiles of time played for positive, negative, and early access reviews.

This chart displays the time players have spent in Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail, comparing positive and negative reviews. The time in game is acceptable, with 7 hours in the 80th percentile.

The negative reviews play time is 5.6 times lower than the positive reviews median play time. When the negative review time is low (median : 42 minutes), it can be a sign that the game crashes on some systems or that players misunderstood the nature of the game (Does the Steam page clearly explain it, with gifs and a gameplay video ?). It can also mean that some players were somehow offended by Robin Hood - Sherwood Builders - Bandit's Trail and decided to review it and get a refund under 2 hours.

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