A-GUI - Steam Game Developer

Games developed1
First GameMs. Han's After-School Tutoring (Aug 19, 2021)
Copies Sold (Total)5K  Top 30%
Gross Revenue (Total)30.9K  Top 25%
Average Steam Rating37.5%  Bottom 4%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)144  Top 20% / 162  Top 25%
Average Play Time1.6 hour
Average Play Time per Dollar12 minutes  Bottom 20%
Partner Publishers

A-GUI's Game Genres

Donut graph showing A-GUI games genres for games they developed.

This donut chart displays the genres of games developed by A-GUI. Bear in mind that Steam allows adding multiple genres to the same game, so the total is often higher than the number of games developed.

A-GUI is specialized in developing Casual and RPG genre games, and has been a Steam developer since 2021.

So far, they have only developed one game.

A-GUI's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for A-GUI developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart shows A-GUI's review languages. It was generated using 162 reviews Top 25% from the game they developed.

The most popular language is Simplified Chinese (56%), followed by Traditional Chinese (22%). The player's languages are diversified, with 10 different languages appearing in this developer reviews. The strong concentration in the Simplified Chinese language suggests that A-GUI could benefit from diversifying the translations of their games. Marketing their games to non-Simplified Chinese audiences is also very important.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Ms. Han's After-School Tutoring Logo
Ms. Han's After-School Tutoring Logo
Ms. Han's After-School Tutoring
Ms. Han is invited to be a family tutor for a problematic student. The two of them end up developing affection for one another beyond their teacher-student relationship. One of the features of the game is virtual sex using the A-GUI Joystick.
7.9937.5%Aug 19, 2021