Vortex00 - Steam Game Developer

Games developed3  Top 5%
First GameUmichan Sorani (May 27, 2022)
Latest GameUmichan Two Scoops (Jan 13, 2023)
Copies Sold (Total)14.9K  Top 20%
Copies Sold (Per Game)5K  Top 25%
Gross Revenue (Total)191.6K  Top 15%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)63.9K  Top 20%
Average Steam Rating75.02%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)317  Top 15% / 341  Top 20%
Average Play Time1.3 hour  Bottom 35%
Average Play Time per Dollar10 minutes  Bottom 20%
Partner Publisher

Vortex00's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Vortex00 games genres for games they developed.

This doughnut graph shows Vortex00's game genres. Keep in mind that one game can have multiple genres, so the total is often higher than the number of games developed.

Vortex00 specializes in developing Indie genre games, and has been a Steam developer for approximately 2 years (2022 - 2023). Their games average Steam rating is 75% (Worst rating : ARIA: Genesis with 65%, Best rating : Umichan Sorani with 83%).

They developed 3 games, none of which is free. The average price of their games is 8.99$ (Cheapest : Umichan Two Scoops at 3.99$, Most expensive : ARIA: Genesis at 14.99$).

Vortex00's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Vortex00 developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph displays Steam reviews languages accross all of Vortex00's games. It uses 341 reviews Top 20% collected from their 3 games Top 5%.

The most popular language is English (74%), followed by Simplified Chinese (8%). There is a nice diversity in this developer reviews, with 16 languages represented. The strong concentration in the English language signals that Vortex00 should add more translations to their games. Marketing efforts towards non-English language medias could certainly help too.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Umichan Sorani Logo
Umichan Sorani Logo
Umichan Sorani
Take the role of Zytra, a busty girl trying to get money for her sister. Will you help her get it the easy way? Or the sleazy way?
7.9983.3%May 27, 2022
ARIA: Genesis Logo
ARIA: Genesis Logo
ARIA: Genesis
Blast, bomb and bang you way to finding a cure that can save your boyfriend from dying. After all, how else will you be able to enjoy his di- I mean, his amazing personality for years to come?
14.9965.9%Feb 10, 2023
Umichan Two Scoops Logo
Umichan Two Scoops Logo
Umichan Two Scoops
Maiko and Pattie in a bind, their boss asked them to sell ice cream for cash at the beach but the boys are more interested in their hot bodies than cold deserts. It's your choice of what to sell!
3.9975.9%Jan 13, 2023