Flump Studios - Steam Game Developer

Games developed5  Top 3%
First GameSuper Killer Hornet: Resurrection (Feb 5, 2014)
Latest GameHorizon Shift '81 (Jun 11, 2019)
Copies Sold (Total)24.9K  Top 15%
Copies Sold (Per Game)5K  Top 25%
Gross Revenue (Total)20.9K  Top 30%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)4.2K
Average Steam Rating75.57%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)267  Top 15% / 1.3K  Top 10%
Average Play Time2.4 hours
Average Play Time per Dollar50 minutes  Top 30%
Partner Publisher

Flump Studios's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Flump Studios games genres for games they developed.

This donut graph displays the genres of games developed by Flump Studios. Keep in mind that one game can have multiple genres, so the total is often higher than the number of games developed.

Flump Studios specializes in developing Indie genre games, and has been a Steam developer for almost 6 years (from 2014 to 2019). Their games average Steam rating is 75.5% (Worst rating : Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection with 66%, Best rating : Horizon Shift with 85%).

They developed 5 games, none of which is free. The average price of their games is 4.99$ (Cheapest : Pester at 0.99$, Most expensive : Horizon Shift '81 at 8.99$).

Flump Studios's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Flump Studios developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph displays Steam reviews languages accross all of Flump Studios's games. It uses 1.3K reviews Top 10% collected from their 5 games Top 3%.

The most popular language is English (44%), followed by Russian (20%). There is a healthy diversity in this developer review languages, with 24 different languages represented.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection Logo
Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection Logo
Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection
'Things will explode, things will die, you will dodge, you will do maths...Yes maths!' Super Killer Hornet Resurrection is an intense vertical shooter with a brain train twist. Through the chaos and explosion try to answer the falling math problems to increase your multiplier and power up your ship.
4.9966.7%Feb 5, 2014
Horizon Shift Logo
Horizon Shift Logo
Horizon Shift
Horizon Shift is an explosive wave based single screen shooter with a ton of new ideas and platformer elements. Do what it takes to protect your horizon from the ever encroaching enemy attack!
4.9985.7%May 29, 2015
Pester Logo
Pester Logo
A blast from Flump Studios past! Pester was released on Xbox live indies back in early 2013 and was Flump Studios first game developed for public release. A remake of one of my early C64 games, Pester is a very fast paced and busy retro vertical shooter.
0.9967.6%Aug 21, 2015
Hyper Bounce Blast Logo
Hyper Bounce Blast Logo
Hyper Bounce Blast
Hyper Bounce Blast is a stomach-churning retro shooter blended with classic platforming action. Bounce, shoot and dodge to survive the ever-increasing enemy attack. Bring it on!
4.9982.4%May 27, 2016
Horizon Shift '81 Logo
Horizon Shift '81 Logo
Horizon Shift '81
Horizon Shift '81 is an explosive wave based single screen shooter (shmups) with a real Retro feel to it. You can even play the game in Tate screen mode! "...if you have the itch for some old-school arcade blast-em-up fun, Horizon Shift '81 is a great way to feed that craving." - 8/10 - The Sixth Axis
8.9993.3%Jun 11, 2019