Lantana Games - Steam Game Publisher

Games published3  Top 10%
First GameChildren of Liberty (Apr 18, 2014)
Latest GameMondrian - Plastic Reality (Sep 22, 2020)
Copies Sold (Total)1.3K
Copies Sold (Per Game)444
Gross Revenue (Total)6.6K
Gross Revenue (Per Game)2.2K
Average Steam Rating72.73%  Bottom 35%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)21  / 59
Average Play Time1.9 hour
Average Play Time per Dollar22 minutes
Partner Developer

Lantana Games's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Lantana Games games genres for games they published.

This doughnut chart shows Lantana Games's game genres. Bear in mind that Steam allows adding multiple genres to the same game, so the total is often higher than the number of games published.

Lantana Games is specialized in publishing Indie genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for about 7 years (2014 - 2020).

They published 3 games, none of which is free. Their games average price is 8.32$.

Lantana Games's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Lantana Games published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart shows Lantana Games's review languages. It was generated using 59 reviews from their 3 games Top 10%.

The most popular language is English (78%), followed by German (7%). There is not much diversity in the review languages, with only 9 languages represented. The strong concentration in the English language signals that Lantana Games should add more translations to their games. Marketing their games to non-English audiences is also very important.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Children of Liberty Logo
Children of Liberty Logo
Children of Liberty
When four spies are arrested infiltrating the mansion of Royal Governor Thomas Gage, the Patriots call upon their children to finish their mission, spring them from jail, and uncover the details of a conspiracy that could plunge the colonies into war...
9.9912.5%Apr 18, 2014
Mondrian - Abstraction in Beauty Logo
Mondrian - Abstraction in Beauty Logo
Mondrian - Abstraction in Beauty
Inspired by the works of the De Stijl masters’ limitations on form and color, Mondrian - Abstraction in Beauty takes an abstract look at the history of video game art in the form of a circular block-breaker.
4.9972.7%Sep 21, 2015
Mondrian - Plastic Reality Logo
Mondrian - Plastic Reality Logo
Mondrian - Plastic Reality
Piet Mondrian's taking you for a spin through the Plastic Reality, a fast-paced, roguelite-inspired block breaking adventure through modern art. Play gauntlets of dynamic, hand-crafted artworks, unleash the treasures within, and create your own challenges with the Mondrian Maker level editor.
9.99N/ASep 22, 2020