droqen - Steam Game Publisher

Games published3  Top 10% (+ 1 not released yet)
First GameStarseed Pilgrim (Apr 16, 2013)
Latest Game/tilt/ (Coming soon)
Copies Sold (Total)19.2K  Top 15%
Copies Sold (Per Game)6.4K  Top 20%
Gross Revenue (Total)91.6K  Top 15%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)30.5K  Top 20%
Average Steam Rating81.64%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)209  Top 15% / 600  Top 15%
Average Play Time1.6 hour
Average Play Time per Dollar17 minutes  Bottom 35%
Partner Publishers
Partner Developers

droqen's Game Genres

Donut graph showing droqen games genres for games they published.

This doughnut graph shows droqen's game genres. Keep in mind that it is possible to add more than one genre to the same game, meaning that the total does not equal the number of games published.

droqen specializes in publishing Indie genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for approximately 12 years (2013 - 2024). The average Steam rating of their games is 81.6% (Worst rating : Probability 0 with 77%, Best rating : 10mg: HANDMADEDEATHLABYRINTH issue 0 with 88%).

They published 3 games, but no free game yet. They have 1 new publisher project coming soon. The average price of their games is 5.32$ (Lowest price : 10mg: HANDMADEDEATHLABYRINTH issue 0 at 2.99$, Highest price : Probability 0 at 6.99$).

droqen's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for droqen published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart displays the languages of droqen's reviewers. It uses 600 reviews Top 15% collected from their 3 games Top 10%.

The most popular language is English (86%), followed by Russian (4%). The player's languages are diversified, with 14 different languages appearing in this publisher reviews. The strong concentration in the English language signals that droqen should add more translations to their games. Marketing efforts towards non-English language medias could certainly help too.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Starseed Pilgrim Logo
Starseed Pilgrim Logo
Starseed Pilgrim
Starseed Pilgrim is a game about tending a symphonic garden, exploring space, and embracing fate.You are a gardener, tending to empty noise and empty space to fill them both with colour.You are a refugee, building your own world away from the spreading darkness.You are an explorer, discovering new places, new rules, and new fascinations.
5.9979.4%Apr 16, 2013
Probability 0 Logo
Probability 0 Logo
Probability 0
Never reach the bottom of the pit that is Probability 0. The game is different every time you die: the enemies you fight, the landscape you climb down, and the body you inhabit (if you so choose). Never survive. But find your way deeper than you did last time.
6.9977.3%Jun 12, 2014
A dungeon crawl in glorious 160x144 resolution. Fight unforgiving battles in tight corridors. Use powerful, limited magic to overcome the odds. Refine your approach and defeat the wizards, or succumb to their will.
2.9988.2%Oct 15, 2020
/tilt/ Logo
/tilt/ Logo
Tilt is an action-racing game with expressive three-button controls and shortcut incentivizing topdown maps. Upgrade your modules and expand your moveset. Escape time-traveling explosions through different solar systems.
N/AN/AComing soon