Bolverk Games - Steam Game Publisher

Games published3  Top 10%
First GameKittypocalypse (Aug 15, 2016)
Latest GameGlyph☀️ (Aug 9, 2021)
Copies Sold (Total)18.2K  Top 15%
Copies Sold (Per Game)6.1K  Top 20%
Gross Revenue (Total)195.7K  Top 10%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)65.3K  Top 15%
Average Steam Rating89.03%  Top 30%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)309  Top 15% / 390  Top 15%
Average Play Time7.1 hours  Top 20%
Average Play Time per Dollar38 minutes
Partner Developer

Bolverk Games's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Bolverk Games games genres for games they published.

This donut graph displays the genres of Bolverk Games's published games. Keep in mind that one game can have multiple genres, so the total is often higher than the number of games published.

Bolverk Games specializes in publishing Action genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for approximately 6 years (2016 - 2021). Their games average Steam rating is 89% (Worst rating : Kittypocalypse - Ungoggled with 79%, Best rating : Glyph☀️ with 98%).

They published 3 games, but no free game yet. Their games average price is 11.65$ (Cheapest : Kittypocalypse - Ungoggled at 9.99$, Most expensive : Kittypocalypse at 14.99$).

Bolverk Games's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Bolverk Games published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph displays Steam reviews languages accross all of Bolverk Games's games. It uses 390 reviews Top 15% collected from their 3 games Top 10%.

The most popular language is English (80%), followed by German (5%). There is a healthy diversity in this publisher review languages, with 19 different languages represented. The strong concentration in the English language signals that Bolverk Games should add more translations to their games. Marketing efforts towards non-English language medias could certainly help too.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Kittypocalypse Logo
Kittypocalypse Logo
Kittypocalypse is an in-depth, strategic tower defense game built exclusively for VR. Across a diverse range of environments, defeat the hordes of evil alien kitties and salvage what's left of your home planet
14.9988.8%Aug 15, 2016
Kittypocalypse - Ungoggled Logo
Kittypocalypse - Ungoggled Logo
Kittypocalypse - Ungoggled
Kittypocalypse is an in-depth, strategic tower defense game. Across a diverse range of environments, defeat the hordes of evil alien kitties and salvage what's left of your home planet.
9.9979.6%Nov 3, 2016
Glyph☀️ Logo
Glyph☀️ Logo
Glyph is a cute, physics-based adventure starring a mech-scarab and his trusted guide, Anobi, challenged with rebuilding an ancient civilization buried under the desert sand. Jump, double-jump, smash and glide through the air in this vertical platformer with amazing controls.
9.9998.7%Aug 9, 2021