YeShu Wu - Steam Game Publisher

Games published4  Top 4%
First GameSteam Ocean (Jul 6, 2022)
Latest GameTimingSpace (Nov 26, 2023)
Copies Sold (Total)40  Bottom 25%
Copies Sold (Per Game)10  Bottom 10%
Gross Revenue (Total)129  Bottom 25%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)32  Bottom 15%
Reviews5  Bottom 20%
Partner Developer

YeShu Wu's Game Genres

Donut graph showing YeShu Wu games genres for games they published.

This donut graph displays the genres of YeShu Wu's published games. Bear in mind that one game often has more than one genre, which means that the total can be higher than the number of games published.

YeShu Wu is specialized in publishing Action and Casual genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for almost 2 years (from 2022 to 2023).

They published 4 games, but no free game yet. Their games average price is 15.74$.

YeShu Wu's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for YeShu Wu published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph shows reviewers languages for all of YeShu Wu's games. It is based on 5 reviews Bottom 20% received by their 4 games Top 4%.

The most popular language is English (60%), followed by Simplified Chinese (40%). The player's languages are not very diversified, with only 2 different languages appearing in this publisher reviews. The strong concentration in the English language signals that YeShu Wu should add more translations to their games. Marketing their games to non-English audiences is also very important.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Steam Ocean Logo
Steam Ocean Logo
Steam Ocean
This game uses Oculus equipment and Unity development of a VR3D science fiction gunfight game, players need to pick up the weapon to kill the sea monsters generated in the scene, intense and exciting gunfight game, players each kill a monster scene counter opportunities to increase
39.99N/AJul 6, 2022
Deep Sea Rhapsody Logo
Deep Sea Rhapsody Logo
Deep Sea Rhapsody
This game is a game of musical rhythm, in which the player can pick up the drumsticks in the scene and beat the drums in the scene to relax rhythmically
9.99N/AJun 8, 2023
Future Theater Logo
Future Theater Logo
Future Theater
This is a game of watching the show. Players can watch the performances of various stages in the scene, and each stage has a different experience. In the scene, players can pick up the drumsticks on the drum stand in front of them and hit the drums in the scene with the rhythm of the music
9.99N/AJun 8, 2023
TimingSpace Logo
TimingSpace Logo
You'll be immersed in a realistic virtual world, with precise hand tracking allowing you to swing your weapon freely and feel real feedback from every hit. Supports two-player battle mode and online ranking, allowing you to compete with friends and players from other regions.
2.99N/ANov 26, 2023