Ani4Bio Animated - Steam Game Publisher

Games published4  Top 4%
First GameNosferatu's Butler (Oct 9, 2020)
Latest GameInside the Forest (Nov 4, 2021)
Copies Sold (Total)217
Copies Sold (Per Game)54  Bottom 30%
Gross Revenue (Total)960
Gross Revenue (Per Game)240  Bottom 35%
Partner Publisher
Partner Developers

Ani4Bio Animated's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Ani4Bio Animated games genres for games they published.

This doughnut chart shows Ani4Bio Animated's game genres. Keep in mind that one game can have multiple genres, so the total is often higher than the number of games published.

Ani4Bio Animated specializes in publishing Adventure genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for almost 2 years (from 2020 to 2021).

They published 4 games, none of which is free. Their games average price is 3.49$.

Ani4Bio Animated's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Ani4Bio Animated published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph displays Steam reviews languages accross all of Ani4Bio Animated's games. It uses 12 reviews collected from their 4 games Top 4%.

The most popular language is English (67%), followed by Korean (8%). There is not much diversity in the review languages, with only 5 languages represented. The strong concentration in the English language signals that Ani4Bio Animated should add more translations to their games. Marketing efforts towards non-English language medias could certainly help too.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Nosferatu's Butler Logo
Nosferatu's Butler Logo
Nosferatu's Butler
A surveyor breaks into a mysterious and sinister Mansion on Pleasant Street in order to find his missing sister. She was last seen being interviewed by the mansion's young and mysterious Butler.
1.99N/AOct 9, 2020
Outcast on Mars Logo
Outcast on Mars Logo
Outcast on Mars
Two robots struggle to reverse a zombie apocalypse that has swept the human race from the earth's surface. However, a threat hides a terrible mystery in the most unlikely place in the solar system. The planet Mars!
6.99N/AJan 15, 2021
Street Massacre Logo
Street Massacre Logo
Street Massacre
Street gangs fight among themselves in the middle of the city at night. Whoever manages to live will see the light of day!
1.99N/ANov 1, 2020
Inside the Forest Logo
Inside the Forest Logo
Inside the Forest
Odye is a survivor. He was on his way to his promotion when a crash crashes his plane. Now he needs to stay alive as long as possible until someone misses him.
2.99N/ANov 4, 2021