Panic Ensues Software - Steam Game Publisher

Games published3  Top 10%
First GameCrash Dive (Jul 6, 2015)
Latest GameCrash Dive 2 (Apr 1, 2021)
Copies Sold (Total)10K  Top 20%
Copies Sold (Per Game)3.3K  Top 25%
Gross Revenue (Total)68.4K  Top 15%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)22.8K  Top 20%
Average Steam Rating91.91%  Top 20%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)341  Top 15% / 366  Top 15%
Average Play Time26.5 hours  Top 4%
Average Play Time per Dollar4.1 hours  Top 3%
Partner Developer

Panic Ensues Software's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Panic Ensues Software games genres for games they published.

This doughnut chart shows Panic Ensues Software's game genres. Keep in mind that it is possible to add more than one genre to the same game, meaning that the total does not equal the number of games published.

Panic Ensues Software specializes in publishing Simulation genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for approximately 7 years (2015 - 2021). Their games average Steam rating is 91.9% (Worst rating : Crash Dive with 90%, Best rating : Crash Dive 2 with 93%).

They published 3 games, but no free game yet. The average price of their games is 10.99$ (Lowest price : Crash Dive at 3.99$, Highest price : Xenoform at 16.99$).

Panic Ensues Software's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Panic Ensues Software published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart displays the languages of Panic Ensues Software's reviewers. It uses 366 reviews Top 15% collected from their 3 games Top 10%.

The most popular language is English (83%), followed by German (4%). There is a healthy diversity in this publisher review languages, with 17 different languages represented. The strong concentration in the English language signals that Panic Ensues Software should add more translations to their games. Marketing efforts towards non-English language medias could certainly help too.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Crash Dive Logo
Crash Dive Logo
Crash Dive
WWII tactical submarine combat! Take command of a U-boat prowling the Atlantic in search of enemy convoys to sink. Sneak past the escorts and torpedo the transports. Or surface and use your deck gun in a daring night attack.
3.9990.1%Jul 6, 2015
Xenoform Logo
Xenoform Logo
On a recently-terraformed planet at the edge of human space, waves of alien invaders have suddenly appeared. Take the pilot's seat of a VTOL fighter aircraft and wipe out the alien infection!
16.99N/AJul 31, 2018
Crash Dive 2 Logo
Crash Dive 2 Logo
Crash Dive 2
WWII Tactical submarine combat in the South Pacific
11.9993.7%Apr 1, 2021