Sushi_soft - Steam Game Publisher

Games published4  Top 4%
First Gamekirakira stars idol project AI (Feb 16, 2020)
Latest GameSutekina kanojo no tsukurikata (Apr 23, 2021)
Copies Sold (Total)29.6K  Top 15%
Copies Sold (Per Game)7.4K  Top 20%
Gross Revenue (Total)194.9K  Top 10%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)48.7K  Top 15%
Average Steam Rating75.17%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)835  Top 10% / 1.1K  Top 10%
Average Play Time2.1 hours
Average Play Time per Dollar10 minutes  Bottom 20%
Partner Developer

Sushi_soft's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Sushi_soft games genres for games they published.

This doughnut chart shows Sushi_soft's game genres. Keep in mind that it is possible to add more than one genre to the same game, meaning that the total does not equal the number of games published.

Sushi_soft is specialized in publishing Adventure and Casual genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for approximately 2 years (2020 - 2021). Their games average Steam rating is 75.1% (Lowest rating : Sutekina kanojo no tsukurikata with 44%, Highest rating : Kirakira stars idol project Nagisa with 90%).

They published 4 games, but no free game yet. The average price of their games is 12.24$ (Cheapest : Sutekina kanojo no tsukurikata at 9.99$, Most expensive : kirakira stars idol project AI at 12.99$).

Sushi_soft's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Sushi_soft published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart displays the languages of Sushi_soft's reviewers. It was generated using 1.1K reviews Top 10% from their 4 games Top 4%.

The most popular language is Simplified Chinese (79%), followed by English (13%). There is diversity in the review languages, with 14 languages represented. The strong concentration in the Simplified Chinese language suggests that Sushi_soft could benefit from diversifying the translations of their games. Marketing efforts towards non-Simplified Chinese language medias could certainly help too.

PriceRatingRelease Date
kirakira stars idol project AI Logo
kirakira stars idol project AI Logo
kirakira stars idol project AI
"I want to be an idol!"The story of the beginning to the top idol singer starting from the accidental reunion of the new face manager " Nobuyuki Kinoshita " and childhood friend " Ai Amane" of the talent agency.
12.9982.5%Feb 16, 2020
Kirakira stars idol project Nagisa Logo
Kirakira stars idol project Nagisa Logo
Kirakira stars idol project Nagisa
"You're the idol you used to sing to on stage? " After their first live performance, Nobuyuki and Ai have a fateful encounter with the top idol, Nagisa Yukihiro. While getting involved with Nagisa through joint lessons, it is decided that an idol festival - DivaFes - will be held, but...
12.9990.5%Jun 18, 2020
Kirakira stars idol project Reika Logo
Kirakira stars idol project Reika Logo
Kirakira stars idol project Reika
The E-mote Engine brings character portraits to life with life-like, natural animations. Enjoy the story in English, Japanese, or Chinese (Simplified), with full voice acting from the main characters in the Japanese version.
12.9983.3%Oct 29, 2020
Sutekina kanojo no tsukurikata Logo
Sutekina kanojo no tsukurikata Logo
Sutekina kanojo no tsukurikata
This is a story between a yandere social anxious girl and a wellborn young lady, produced by the Japanese Bishōjo game brand Sushi soft. Interaction occurs at several points where choices are given to the player, and these choices eventually lead to 8 various endings.
9.9944.4%Apr 23, 2021