KuKusFs Production - Steam Game Publisher

Games published4  Top 4%
First GameDesert Of The Dead (Aug 12, 2019)
Latest GameDark Treasury (Jan 31, 2021)
Copies Sold (Total)38.5K  Top 10%
Copies Sold (Per Game)9.6K  Top 15%
Gross Revenue (Total)143.9K  Top 15%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)36K  Top 20%
Average Steam Rating74.21%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)935  Top 10% / 994  Top 10%
Average Play Time1.8 hour
Average Play Time per Dollar14 minutes  Bottom 25%
Partner Publisher
Partner Developers

KuKusFs Production's Game Genres

Donut graph showing KuKusFs Production games genres for games they published.

This doughnut graph shows KuKusFs Production's game genres. Bear in mind that one game often has more than one genre, which means that the total can be higher than the number of games published.

KuKusFs Production specializes in publishing Indie genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for almost 3 years (from 2019 to 2021). The average Steam rating of their games is 74.2% (Worst rating : Reactor Tech² with 71%, Best rating : Brain Break with 80%).

They published 4 games, none of which is free. Their games average price is 9.24$ (Lowest price : Desert Of The Dead at 1.99$, Highest price : Reactor Tech² at 14.99$).

KuKusFs Production's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for KuKusFs Production published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph shows reviewers languages for all of KuKusFs Production's games. It uses 994 reviews Top 10% collected from their 4 games Top 4%.

The most popular language is English (71%), followed by Russian (21%). There is a nice diversity in this publisher reviews, with 19 languages represented. The strong concentration in the English language signals that KuKusFs Production should add more translations to their games. Marketing efforts towards non-English language medias could certainly help too.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Desert Of The Dead Logo
Desert Of The Dead Logo
Desert Of The Dead
You are a mysterious wanderer traveling through the wilderness of the wild west. In cities and towns, people began to disappear, as in many cities the population became infected with a virus which turns people into zombies, and it is rumored that people from the government are behind this.
1.9971.4%Aug 12, 2019
Reactor Tech² Logo
Reactor Tech² Logo
Reactor Tech²
Become the main power engineer of the world - the builder of the most powerful power plant that feeds the whole world! You have to build your own power plant, research new technologies and make the most successful power company in 100 gaming years.
14.9971%Aug 31, 2021
Brain Break Logo
Brain Break Logo
Brain Break
Brain Break is a minimalistic but not simple puzzle game. The object of the game is to move all the cubes to their positions of their color. It's not as easy as it sounds! The player can push one cube at a time, but not pull it.
9.9980.4%Nov 18, 2020
Dark Treasury Logo
Dark Treasury Logo
Dark Treasury
The world is in danger! Someone opened a portal to the other world, from which an unknown evil escaped. You are a nameless warrior, and your task is to set off on a journey full of dangers to destroy the evil that breaks free. But will you succeed?
9.9974%Jan 31, 2021