THQ - Steam Game Publisher

Games published3  Top 10%
First GameDisney•Pixar Cars (Feb 24, 2015)
Latest GameDisney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship (Feb 24, 2015)
Copies Sold (Total)114.1K  Top 10%
Copies Sold (Per Game)38K  Top 10%
Gross Revenue (Total)648.7K  Top 10%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)216.2K  Top 10%
Average Steam Rating91.89%  Top 20%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)2.3K  Top 5% / 3.4K  Top 5%
Average Play Time6.3 hours  Top 25%
Average Play Time per Dollar19 minutes
Partner Publisher
Partner Developers

THQ's Game Genres

Donut graph showing THQ games genres for games they published.

This donut graph displays the genres of THQ's published games. Bear in mind that one game often has more than one genre, which means that the total can be higher than the number of games published.

THQ specializes in publishing Adventure and Racing genre games, and has been a Steam publisher since 2015. The average Steam rating of their games is 91.8% (Lowest rating : Disney•Pixar Cars with 88%, Highest rating : Disney•Pixar WALL-E with 96%).

They published 3 games, but no free game yet. Their games average price is 19.99$ (Cheapest : Disney•Pixar Cars at 19.99$, Most expensive : Disney•Pixar Cars at 19.99$).

THQ's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for THQ published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph shows reviewers languages for all of THQ's games. It uses 3.4K reviews Top 5% collected from their 3 games Top 10%.

The most popular language is English (49%), followed by Russian (9%). The player's languages are well diversified, with 25 different languages appearing in this publisher reviews.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Disney•Pixar Cars Logo
Disney•Pixar Cars Logo
Disney•Pixar Cars
Play as Lightning McQueen, a rookie racecar looking to win fame and fortune at the Piston Cup Championship, in the video game adaptation of Disney•Pixar's Cars.
19.9988.8%Feb 24, 2015
Disney•Pixar WALL-E Logo
Disney•Pixar WALL-E Logo
Disney•Pixar WALL-E
Based on the 2008 computer animated film from Pixar Animation Studios, the video game version of WALL-E involves playing as the lonely robot as he navigates a trash-tainted world and begins an unlikely trek across the cosmos.
19.9996.3%Feb 24, 2015
Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship Logo
Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship Logo
Disney•Pixar Cars Mater-National Championship
Mater is holding a national race festival allowing racers from all around the world to challenge Lightning McQueen. Along with racing against the new characters, players can explore the world of Radiator Springs and Lightning McQueen's racing headquarters.
19.9990.5%Feb 24, 2015