Barty Games - Steam Game Publisher

Games published5  Top 3%
First GameDark Matter (May 4, 2018)
Latest GameDeliver or Die! (Feb 25, 2022)
Copies Sold (Total)2.2K
Copies Sold (Per Game)431
Gross Revenue (Total)426
Gross Revenue (Per Game)142  Bottom 30%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)21  / 49
Average Play Time32 minutes  Bottom 15%
Partner Developer

Barty Games's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Barty Games games genres for games they published.

This donut graph displays the genres of Barty Games's published games. Keep in mind that one game can have multiple genres, so the total is often higher than the number of games published.

Barty Games specializes in publishing Action and Indie genre games, and has been a Steam publisher for approximately 5 years (2018 - 2022).

They published 5 games, including 2 free games. Their games average price is 1.65$.

Barty Games's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Barty Games published games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph displays Steam reviews languages accross all of Barty Games's games. It uses 49 reviews collected from their 5 games Top 3%.

The most popular language is English (67%), followed by German (12%). There is not much diversity in the review languages, with only 8 languages represented. The strong concentration in the English language signals that Barty Games should add more translations to their games. Marketing their games to non-English audiences is also very important.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Dark Matter Logo
Dark Matter Logo
Dark Matter
The Space Pirates are planning on destroying the Earth. They have stolen many space cargo vessels in order to gain the supplies to blow it up. You play as Dark Matter, a hired bounty hunter who works with the Space Federation in order to stop the pirates. You must stop the pirates, save the space cargo vessels, and save the Earth.
Free36.4%May 4, 2018
Galaxy in Peril Logo
Galaxy in Peril Logo
Galaxy in Peril
The galaxy is in peril. The aliens have teamed up with the smartest robots in the universe in order to take the galaxy for their own trade. You play as a bounty hunter who is looking for the money, and trying to save his own galaxy where he was born and raised.
0.99N/AMay 1, 2019
Galaxy in Peril: Time Trouble Logo
Galaxy in Peril: Time Trouble Logo
Galaxy in Peril: Time Trouble
The galaxy is in peril again. Falias forces have made it back to your galaxy, and want to harvest the energy from your star! The only way to stop them is to go back in time using a newly discovered blackhole. Go back in time, disable the devices, and save your galaxy!
0.99N/ASep 30, 2020
In 2023, industry leading pharmaceutical company "HT Pharmaceuticals" found the complete cure for COVID-19, and they released the vaccine to the public. 9 months later, not much is left of mankind. Complete supply missions and conduct research studies to help find the cure to the infection.
2.99N/AAug 3, 2021
Deliver or Die! Logo
Deliver or Die! Logo
Deliver or Die!
Deliver or Die! is an arcade game based on many classic ideas put together. With a bomb strapped to your car, time is of the essence. Collect deliveries, collect powerups, drop off the deliveries, and make sure they are on time... or you DIE!
FreeN/AFeb 25, 2022