Hunt: Showdown (Steam Game) Steam logo

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Hunt: Showdown Header Image

Hunt: Showdown is a high-stakes, tactical PvPvE first-person shooter. Hunt for bounties in the infested Bayou, kill nightmarish monsters and outwit competing hunters - alone or in a group - with your glory, gear, and gold on the line.

Release DateAug 27, 2019
Price$ 39.99  Top 2%
Steam Rating (Steam Purchases / All)82.7% (positive) / 81.9%
Steam DB Rating (Steam Purchases / All)81.8% Top 20% / 81.1%  Top 20%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / All)143.3K  Top 1% / 183K  Top 1%
Curators714 reviews  Top 1%
Median Play Time176.6 hours  Top 1%
Play Time per Dollar4.4 hours  Top 2%
Followers460.3K  Top 1%
Owners± 5.5M  Top 1%
Copies Sold± 4.6M  Top 1%
Gross Revenue ($)± 90.8M  Top 1%

Rating and Reviews (Monthly)

Chart showing the monthly evolution of Hunt: Showdown steam rating, positive and negative reviews.

This chart shows Hunt: Showdown's Steam rating and reviews from March 2018 to December 2023. Steam's rating oscillates between 73.3% (March 2018) and 82.9% (March 2022).

With its 183K reviews Top 1%, Hunt: Showdown is indisputably a major AAA level success.

Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Hunt: Showdown and the proportion of players they represent.

This donut chart displays the languages of Hunt: Showdown's reviewers. The most popular language is English (47%), followed by Simplified Chinese (14%). There is a nice diversity in the reviews, with 28 languages represented. The game has been translated in 11 languages.

Time Played

Chart displaying Hunt: Showdown percentiles of time played for positive, negative, and early access reviews.

This chart displays the time players have spent in Hunt: Showdown, comparing positive and negative reviews. It also shows the reviews during Early Access. You'll notice that the time played is very impressive, reaching 757 hours in the 80th percentile.

The negative reviews play time is 1.9 times lower than the positive reviews median play time. Some Hunt: Showdown players left negative reviews after playing for a long time (more than 762 hours for the top 20%), it can be a sign that a part of the fanbase was displeased about the evolution of the game and decided to review bomb it. The Players' feedback section might help understanding the issue.

Players' Feedback

Game's StrengthsGame's Weaknesses
  • Good Idea
  • PVPPVE Mix
  • Replay Value
  • Sound Design
  • Graphics
  • Attention to Detail
  • Weapon Variety
  • Methodical Gameplay
  • Perks
  • Dark Sight Ability
  • Hitboxes
  • Netcode
  • Performance Issues
  • Server Waiting Time
  • Lack of Story
  • Early Access Bugs
  • Wonky Shooting Controls
  • Unforgiving Difficulty
  • Limited Multiplayer Modes
  • Steep Learning Curve

It's important to understand that this list of positives and negatives is not an unbiased evaluation of the game. Its purpose is to support developers in understanding what their players want. The game's 82.7% rating should be factored in during their evaluation.

Please take this list with a grain of salt, as this is an AI generated list based on a small sample of Hunt: Showdown's review data provided by Steam. Additionally, remember that not all issues need to be fixed, sometimes the best approach is to communicate better to manage the player's expectations.

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