Chocolate makes you happy: Valentine's Day (Steam Game) Steam logo

Release DateJan 15, 2019
Price$ 1.99  Bottom 15%
Steam Rating (All Reviews)58.6% (mixed)  Bottom 20%
Steam DB Rating (All Reviews)55.5%  Bottom 25%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / All)8  Bottom 1% / 29  Bottom 35%
Curators4 reviews  Bottom 20%
Median Play Time50 min  Bottom 25%
Play Time per Dollar25 minutes
Followers132  Bottom 30%
Owners± 986  Bottom 30%
Copies Sold± 272  Bottom 15%
Gross Revenue ($)± 141 

Rating and Reviews (Monthly)

Chart showing the monthly evolution of Chocolate makes you happy: Valentine's Day steam rating, positive and negative reviews.

This graph shows Chocolate makes you happy: Valentine's Day's Steam rating and reviews between February 2019 and December 2023. Steam's rating oscillates between 40% (May 2019) and 58.6% (December 2023).

With its 29 reviews Bottom 35%, Chocolate makes you happy: Valentine's Day might be a success for a hobbyist, or a small indie success if it was made in a short amount of time. The chart is compatible with a long tailed distribution, which suggests there was a good visibility at launch but that it was not followed by significant updates or discounts.

Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Chocolate makes you happy: Valentine's Day and the proportion of players they represent.

This donut chart displays the languages of Chocolate makes you happy: Valentine's Day's reviewers. The most popular language is English (31%), followed by Russian (21%). There is a healthy diversity in the review languages, with 10 different languages represented. The game has been translated in 103 languages.

Time Played

Chart displaying Chocolate makes you happy: Valentine's Day percentiles of time played for positive, negative, and early access reviews.

This chart displays the time players have spent in Chocolate makes you happy: Valentine's Day, showing a comparison between positive and negative reviews. The time in game is relatively low, with only 105 minutes in the 80th percentile. Some players enjoy short games, but there is always a risk that people will be disapointed.

The negative reviews median playtime closely matches the median for positive reviews, meaning that there is no major difference between the players' experiences and the reviews probably reflect personal preferences more than anything else.

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