Splashteam - Steam Game Developer

Games developed2  Top 10%
First GameSplasher (Feb 7, 2017)
Latest GameTinykin (Aug 30, 2022)
Copies Sold (Total)55.6K  Top 10%
Copies Sold (Per Game)27.8K  Top 15%
Gross Revenue (Total)677.9K  Top 10%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)339K  Top 10%
Average Steam Rating96.77%  Top 3%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)1.6K  Top 10% / 2.7K  Top 10%
Average Play Time8.3 hours  Top 20%
Average Play Time per Dollar26 minutes
Partner Publishers

Splashteam's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Splashteam games genres for games they developed.

This doughnut chart shows Splashteam's game genres. Keep in mind that it is possible to add more than one genre to the same game, meaning that the total does not equal the number of games developed.

Splashteam is specialized in developing Action and Indie genre games, and has been a Steam developer for approximately 6 years (2017 - 2022). The average Steam rating of their games is 96.7% (Lowest rating : Splasher with 95%, Highest rating : Tinykin with 98%).

They developed 2 games, none of which is free. The average price of their games is 19.99$ (Cheapest : Splasher at 14.99$, Most expensive : Tinykin at 24.99$).

Splashteam's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Splashteam developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart displays the languages of Splashteam's reviewers. It was generated using 2.7K reviews Top 10% from their 2 games Top 10%.

The most popular language is English (49%), followed by Simplified Chinese (17%). The player's languages are well diversified, with 25 different languages appearing in this developer reviews.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Splasher Logo
Splasher Logo
Splasher is a fun and challenging 2D Platformer filled with humor and surprises. Armed with a paint cannon, you’ll face the dangers of the Inkorp mega-factory in order to save your companions, the Splashers, and put an end to the Machiavellian projects of the evil boss, Le Docteur.
14.9995.1%Feb 7, 2017
Tinykin Logo
Tinykin Logo
Catch hundreds of tinykin and use their unique powers to bring Milo back to his home planet and back to normal size!
24.9998.5%Aug 30, 2022