DEADBIT - Steam Game Developer

Games developed2  Top 10%
First GameAssassins vs Pirates (May 10, 2016)
Latest GameTurbo Pug 3D (Sep 20, 2016)
Copies Sold (Total)11.5K  Top 20%
Copies Sold (Per Game)5.8K  Top 25%
Gross Revenue (Total)16.5K  Top 30%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)8.3K
Average Steam Rating61.85%  Bottom 20%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)160  Top 20% / 452  Top 20%
Average Play Time2.3 hours
Average Play Time per Dollar46 minutes  Top 30%
Partner Developer
Partner Publishers

DEADBIT's Game Genres

Donut graph showing DEADBIT games genres for games they developed.

This doughnut graph shows DEADBIT's game genres. Bear in mind that Steam allows adding multiple genres to the same game, so the total is often higher than the number of games developed.

DEADBIT specializes in developing Casual and Indie genre games, and has been a Steam developer since 2016. Their games average Steam rating is 61.8% (Lowest rating : Assassins vs Pirates with 46%, Highest rating : Turbo Pug 3D with 77%).

They developed 2 games, none of which is free. Their games average price is 4.99$ (Lowest price : Turbo Pug 3D at 1.99$, Highest price : Assassins vs Pirates at 7.99$).

DEADBIT's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for DEADBIT developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart shows DEADBIT's review languages. It uses 452 reviews Top 20% collected from their 2 games Top 10%.

The most popular language is English (44%), followed by Russian (10%). There is a healthy diversity in this developer review languages, with 20 different languages represented.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Assassins vs Pirates Logo
Assassins vs Pirates Logo
Assassins vs Pirates
Swordplay and freerun through the internet and on a couch against your friends in a team brawl. Throw bombs, use smokescreens and climb your way to the enemy base. Choose your side as a Pirate or an Assassin and feed the Artifact with souls of your enemies.
7.9946.4%May 10, 2016
Turbo Pug 3D Logo
Turbo Pug 3D Logo
Turbo Pug 3D
Turbo Pug is back! And this time, he's three dimensional! Join Turbo Pug and friends, sprint your way through a randomly generated voxel world with scaling difficulty. Turbo Pug 3D - Fast paced, casual fun.
1.9977.3%Sep 20, 2016