NAGINATA SOFT - Steam Game Developer

Games developed3  Top 5%
First GameHERO'S PARTY R (Sep 8, 2023)
Latest GameReincarnated in a stone in a different world, I want to protect the girl, so I will be strong (Jun 8, 2023)
Copies Sold (Total)1.3K
Copies Sold (Per Game)424
Gross Revenue (Total)14.9K  Top 30%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)5K
Average Steam Rating35.76%  Bottom 4%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)33  / 46
Average Play Time2.3 hours
Average Play Time per Dollar7 minutes  Bottom 10%
Partner Publishers


Donut graph showing NAGINATA SOFT games genres for games they developed.

This doughnut graph shows NAGINATA SOFT's game genres. Bear in mind that Steam allows adding multiple genres to the same game, so the total is often higher than the number of games developed.

NAGINATA SOFT specializes in developing RPG genre games, and has been a Steam developer since 2023. Their games average Steam rating is 35.7% (Lowest rating : Phyllis, The Receptionist of The Guild with 27%, Highest rating : HERO'S PARTY R with 50%).

They developed 3 games, none of which is free. Their games average price is 15.65$ (Cheapest : Phyllis, The Receptionist of The Guild at 14.99$, Most expensive : HERO'S PARTY R at 16.99$).

NAGINATA SOFT's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for NAGINATA SOFT developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart shows NAGINATA SOFT's review languages. It uses 46 reviews collected from their 3 games Top 5%.

The most popular language is Simplified Chinese (52%), followed by English (22%). There is not much diversity in the review languages, with only 7 languages represented. The strong concentration in the Simplified Chinese language suggests that NAGINATA SOFT could benefit from diversifying the translations of their games. Marketing their games to non-Simplified Chinese audiences is also very important.

PriceRatingRelease Date
"Find 30 people to come to the Demon Castle party!" One day, the king received a letter from the demon king, the old enemy of mankind. Although it was obviously a trap, the king decided to take advantage of this opportunity to suppress the Demon Castle.
16.9950%Sep 8, 2023
Phyllis, The Receptionist of The Guild Logo
Phyllis, The Receptionist of The Guild Logo
Phyllis, The Receptionist of The Guild
You will play a receptionist of the guild to help the adventurers on their quests. Keep it be busy by investing on the shops and scouting the new adventurers, while play the quiet adventurer Mark at the same time!
14.9927.3%Mar 20, 2023
Reincarnated in a stone in a different world, I want to protect the girl, so I will be strong Logo
Reincarnated in a stone in a different world, I want to protect the girl, so I will be strong Logo
Reincarnated in a stone in a different world, I want to protect the girl, so I will be strong
The main character wakes up one day in another world, reincarnated as a stone. There, he meets a magician named Anna, the Queen of Femt Kingdom. He then joins her on her quest...
14.9930%Jun 8, 2023