Chainsaw Syndicate - Steam Game Developer

Games developed1
First GameArson and Plunder: Unleashed (Sep 25, 2015)
Copies Sold (Total)2K
Gross Revenue (Total)3.5K
Average Steam Rating52.38%  Bottom 15%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)42  / 111  Top 30%
Average Play Time3.1 hours
Average Play Time per Dollar38 minutes
Partner Publisher

Chainsaw Syndicate's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Chainsaw Syndicate games genres for games they developed.

This doughnut graph shows Chainsaw Syndicate's game genres. Bear in mind that Steam allows adding multiple genres to the same game, so the total is often higher than the number of games developed.

Chainsaw Syndicate is specialized in developing Action and Indie genre games, and has been a Steam developer since 2015.

They developed only one game so far.

Chainsaw Syndicate's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Chainsaw Syndicate developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart shows Chainsaw Syndicate's review languages. It is based on 111 reviews Top 30% received by their developed game.

The most popular language is English (41%), followed by Spanish - Spain (13%). There is diversity in the review languages, with 13 languages represented.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Arson and Plunder: Unleashed Logo
Arson and Plunder: Unleashed Logo
Arson and Plunder: Unleashed
Arson & Plunder is a 2D arcade/beat'em up adventure based on the genre classics of the 90's. The classic gameplay has been brought up to speed with the latest developments and trends! In typical beat'em up style, playing an orc or elf you wade through hordes of enemies out to kill you.
4.9952.4%Sep 25, 2015