Microblast Games - Steam Game Developer

Games developed9  Top 2%
First GameOvercast - Walden and the Werewolf (Apr 18, 2014)
Latest GameC-4 (Aug 27, 2021)
Copies Sold (Total)761.1K  Top 2%
Copies Sold (Per Game)84.6K  Top 10%
Gross Revenue (Total)424.4K  Top 10%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)47.2K  Top 20%
Average Steam Rating73.62%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)6.5K  Top 3% / 16.4K  Top 2%
Average Play Time2.2 hours
Average Play Time per Dollar2 hour  Top 10%
Partner Publishers

Microblast Games's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Microblast Games games genres for games they developed.

This doughnut chart shows Microblast Games's game genres. Bear in mind that one game often has more than one genre, which means that the total can be higher than the number of games developed.

Microblast Games specializes in developing Indie genre games, and has been a Steam developer for about 9 years (2014 - 2022). The average Steam rating of their games is 73.6% (Lowest rating : Red Risk with 57%, Highest rating : C-4 with 91%).

They developed 9 games, none of which is free. The average price of their games is 3.99$ (Cheapest : Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf at 0.99$, Most expensive : Desktop Agents - Cov1d-999 at 9.99$).

Microblast Games's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Microblast Games developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph shows reviewers languages for all of Microblast Games's games. It uses 16.4K reviews Top 2% collected from their 9 games Top 2%.

The most popular language is English (38%), followed by Russian (25%). The player's languages are well diversified, with 28 different languages appearing in this developer reviews.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf Logo
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf Logo
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf
A mysterious creature has destroyed a village located near Walden's cabin, killing every person residing on the premises. Now, Walden wants revenge. This is the story of an old hunter who has nothing to lose.
0.9960.4%Apr 18, 2014
Dead Bits Logo
Dead Bits Logo
Dead Bits
Quilly was abducted by aliens, now, he has to fight for his freedom! Destroy cube aliens with guns, bats and inteligence... avoid traps and more. Dead Bits is a first-person shooter with original dubstep soundtrack for Windows and Mac.
0.9960.7%Jun 7, 2014
Particula Logo
Particula Logo
Destroy negativity, clear your mind! Particula brings you a new perspective in gaming, helping you to concentrate and relax. A three players co-op tower defense experience with a relaxing soundtrack, smooth visuals and gameplay.
0.9970.5%Feb 2, 2015
Red Risk Logo
Red Risk Logo
Red Risk
Volunteers fight in a bloody contest for freedom and money. Play as one of three volunteers armed with their favorite weapons, survive waves of enemies and bosses. Red Risk will put you into a bloody tournament, will you survive?
0.9957.2%Mar 4, 2016
Mind Spheres Logo
Mind Spheres Logo
Mind Spheres
Inspired by two not so different worlds, Mind Spheres brings you an exclusive and awesome experience. A physics puzzle with minigolf + pinball unique mashup. Figure out puzzles in order to proceed to the next level.
0.9985%Jul 8, 2016
CPU Invaders Logo
CPU Invaders Logo
CPU Invaders
Invaders are living inside your computer. You shouldn't let that happen! Interact with your desktop while playing, watch Youtube videos, chat with your friends and more! CPU Invaders overlaps the game itself with your computer screen.
0.9987%Feb 17, 2017
Desktop Agents - Cov1d-999 Logo
Desktop Agents - Cov1d-999 Logo
Desktop Agents - Cov1d-999
Consider wearing a mask to play. A virtual alien virus COV1D-999 uses dramatic scenes from movies and series in order to conquer your PC. Interact with your desktop while playing, watch Youtube videos, chat with your friends and more! Wash your hands after playing.
9.99N/AApr 16, 2020
GAMECINE is your new way to watch movies! Be the hero on small cinematic adventures, pick one and live it! Multiple universes and legendary challanges for all ages. Fun to play and fun to watch people playing!
9.9976.9%Jul 18, 2022
C-4 Logo
C-4 Logo
Waiting for a match? C-4. Improve your gaming skills while you wait. Mini-games used by professional players to improve the brain response. Your spare time will never be the same with C-4! Runs on top of anything. Explode your PC.
9.9991.1%Aug 27, 2021