Moonana - Steam Game Developer

Games developed3  Top 5% (+ 2 not released yet)
First GameVirgo Versus The Zodiac (Dec 12, 2019)
Latest GameNecromorphosis (Coming soon)
Copies Sold (Total)29.6K  Top 15%
Copies Sold (Per Game)9.9K  Top 20%
Gross Revenue (Total)349.1K  Top 10%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)174.5K  Top 10%
Average Steam Rating90.5%  Top 25%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)816  Top 10% / 990  Top 15%
Average Play Time9.9 hours  Top 15%
Average Play Time per Dollar1.1 hour  Top 20%
Partner Publishers

Moonana's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Moonana games genres for games they developed.

This doughnut chart shows Moonana's game genres. Keep in mind that it is possible to add more than one genre to the same game, meaning that the total does not equal the number of games developed.

Moonana is specialized in developing Indie and RPG genre games, and has been a Steam developer for about 6 years (2019 - 2024). The average Steam rating of their games is 90.5% (Worst rating : Osteoblasts with 88%, Best rating : Virgo Versus The Zodiac with 92%).

They developed 3 games, from which one is free. They have 2 new games coming soon. The average price of their games is 13.99$ (Cheapest : Osteoblasts at 7.99$, Most expensive : Virgo Versus The Zodiac at 19.99$).

Moonana's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Moonana developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart displays the languages of Moonana's reviewers. It was generated using 990 reviews Top 15% from their 3 games Top 5%.

The most popular language is English (56%), followed by Simplified Chinese (20%). The player's languages are well diversified, with 17 different languages appearing in this developer reviews. The strong concentration in the English language signals that Moonana should add more translations to their games. Marketing their games to non-English audiences is also very important.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Virgo Versus The Zodiac Logo
Virgo Versus The Zodiac Logo
Virgo Versus The Zodiac
Dethrone the Zodiacs, revive the Golden Age and purge the Heretics that swarm the galaxy as Virgo, the queen of Purity, in this unforgiving timed actions turn-based JRPG.
19.9992.9%Dec 12, 2019
Keylocker | Turn Based Cyberpunk Action Logo
Keylocker | Turn Based Cyberpunk Action Logo
Keylocker | Turn Based Cyberpunk Action
In a silent world where music has been prohibited, B0B0 will serenade her rebellion against the vicious authorities by banding together with the Jukebot drummer, Rocket, to shatter the strings of fate and sing the melody of freedom in this unforgiving Rhythm Turn Based JRPG.
N/AN/AComing soon
Shu's Misfortune Logo
Shu's Misfortune Logo
Shu's Misfortune
This is a sample game created in "RPG Maker MZ" by Moonana, the creator of Virgo vs the Zodiac. As Shu end your father's haute couture legacy by unraveling his empire of fashion
Free69.6%Dec 22, 2020
Osteoblasts Logo
Osteoblasts Logo
Osteoblasts is a dungeon crawler skeletal RPG about skeletons, by skeletons and for skeletons. If you are not undead leave this page immediately else you'll face the law of Skulls and Bones.
7.9988.1%Feb 12, 2021
Necromorphosis Logo
Necromorphosis Logo
In this unliving hell, become the bullet heaven. Gather the bones of fallen foes and morph into the ultimate skeleton to claim your throne of skulls as King of the Undead, if you can survive the Necromorphosis.
N/AN/AComing soon