Winglett Entertainment - Steam Game Developer

Games developed2  Top 10%
First GameRadical Relocation (Aug 31, 2020)
Latest GameWhat A Trash Game! (Jul 25, 2018)
Copies Sold (Total)11.8K  Top 20%
Copies Sold (Per Game)5.9K  Top 25%
Gross Revenue (Total)90K  Top 20%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)45K  Top 20%
Average Steam Rating75.25%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)198  Top 20% / 241  Top 25%
Average Play Time2.6 hours
Average Play Time per Dollar17 minutes  Bottom 35%

Winglett Entertainment's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Winglett Entertainment games genres for games they developed.

This donut chart displays the genres of games developed by Winglett Entertainment. Keep in mind that it is possible to add more than one genre to the same game, meaning that the total does not equal the number of games developed.

Winglett Entertainment specializes in developing Casual genre games, and has been a Steam developer for approximately 3 years (2018 - 2020).

They developed 2 games, none of which is free. Their games average price is 8.49$.

Winglett Entertainment's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Winglett Entertainment developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This chart displays the languages of Winglett Entertainment's reviewers. It was generated using 241 reviews Top 25% from their 2 games Top 10%.

The most popular language is English (56%), followed by Turkish (8%). There is a nice diversity in this developer reviews, with 21 languages represented. The strong concentration in the English language signals that Winglett Entertainment should add more translations to their games. Marketing their games to non-English audiences is also very important.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Radical Relocation Logo
Radical Relocation Logo
Radical Relocation
Radical Relocation is an absurd physics-based puzzle game that turns a sleepy neighbourhood into an insane obstacle course! You’ll need flawless planning and nerves of steel to get your belongings from A to B – while they’re stacked and balanced on the roof of your moving vehicle!
9.9975.3%Aug 31, 2020
What A Trash Game! Logo
What A Trash Game! Logo
What A Trash Game!
A littering simulator - spreading awareness about plastic waste in waterways through gamification and reverse psychology.
6.9957.1%Jul 25, 2018