Stelex Software - Steam Game Developer

Games developed3  Top 5%
First GameEselmir and the five magical gifts (Jan 11, 2018)
Latest GameMonorail Stories (Sep 30, 2022)
Copies Sold (Total)6K  Top 30%
Copies Sold (Per Game)2K
Gross Revenue (Total)16.7K  Top 30%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)8.3K
Average Steam Rating73.5%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)53  Top 30% / 112  Top 30%
Average Play Time8.2 hours  Top 20%
Average Play Time per Dollar1 hour  Top 25%
Partner Publishers

Stelex Software's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Stelex Software games genres for games they developed.

This doughnut graph shows Stelex Software's game genres. Bear in mind that one game often has more than one genre, which means that the total can be higher than the number of games developed.

Stelex Software specializes in developing Adventure and Indie genre games, and has been a Steam developer for about 5 years (2018 - 2022). The average Steam rating of their games is 73.5% (Worst rating : Monorail Stories with 72%, Best rating : Eselmir and the five magical gifts with 75%).

They developed 3 games, from which one is free. The average price of their games is 12.49$ (Cheapest : Eselmir and the five magical gifts at 9.99$, Most expensive : Monorail Stories at 14.99$).

Stelex Software's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Stelex Software developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph shows reviewers languages for all of Stelex Software's games. It uses 112 reviews Top 30% collected from their 3 games Top 5%.

The most popular language is English (52%), followed by Italian (26%). The player's languages are diversified, with 13 different languages appearing in this developer reviews. The strong concentration in the English language signals that Stelex Software should add more translations to their games. Marketing their games to non-English audiences is also very important.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Eselmir and the five magical gifts Logo
Eselmir and the five magical gifts Logo
Eselmir and the five magical gifts
Eselmir and the five magical gifts is a 2D point and click adventure game inspired by the old classics of the genre. It tells the story of Eselmir and his journey to find the five magical lost gifts of King Theoson, leading the player to explore a charming imaginary world.
9.9975%Jan 11, 2018
I Misteri di Maggia Logo
I Misteri di Maggia Logo
I Misteri di Maggia
Released in 2004, "I Misteri di Maggia" is an amatorial point and click adventure game in first-person set in the small village of Maggia (Ticino, Switzerland)
Free71.9%Mar 5, 2018
Monorail Stories Logo
Monorail Stories Logo
Monorail Stories
Monorail Stories is an adventure game focusing on extraordinary things happening to ordinary people. Board the monorail and experience a special story about humanity, friendships, and intertwined destinies manifesting during the everyday commute.
14.9972%Sep 30, 2022