Urchin Games - Steam Game Developer

Games developed12  Top 1%
First GameOminous Tales: The Forsaken Isle (Jun 19, 2017)
Latest GameOutlaws: Corwin's Treasure (May 5, 2020)
Copies Sold (Total)6.9K  Top 25%
Copies Sold (Per Game)577
Gross Revenue (Total)21.5K  Top 30%
Gross Revenue (Per Game)1.8K
Average Steam Rating64.13%  Bottom 25%
Reviews (Steam Purchases / Total)174  Top 20% / 395  Top 20%
Average Play Time2.6 hours
Average Play Time per Dollar29 minutes
Partner Publisher

Urchin Games's Game Genres

Donut graph showing Urchin Games games genres for games they developed.

This donut chart displays the genres of games developed by Urchin Games. Bear in mind that one game often has more than one genre, which means that the total can be higher than the number of games developed.

Urchin Games specializes in developing Adventure genre games, and has been a Steam developer for about 4 years (2017 - 2020). The average Steam rating of their games is 64.1% (Worst rating : Epic Adventures: La Jangada with 40%, Best rating : Entwined: Strings of Deception with 93%).

They developed 12 games, none of which is free. The average price of their games is 5.57$ (Lowest price : Epic Adventures: La Jangada at 3.99$, Highest price : Greed 3: Old Enemies Returning at 7.99$).

Urchin Games's Review Languages

Donut graph showing review languages for Urchin Games developed games, giving an estimate of their players origins.

This graph shows reviewers languages for all of Urchin Games's games. It uses 395 reviews Top 20% collected from their 12 games Top 1%.

The most popular language is English (67%), followed by German (8%). The player's languages are diversified, with 14 different languages appearing in this developer reviews. The strong concentration in the English language signals that Urchin Games should add more translations to their games. Marketing their games to non-English audiences is also very important.

PriceRatingRelease Date
Ominous Tales: The Forsaken Isle Logo
Ominous Tales: The Forsaken Isle Logo
Ominous Tales: The Forsaken Isle
There’s an island 30 miles off the coast of England that the locals call 'The Forsaken Isle'. It is said to be home to ghosts, necromancers and dangerous man-eating creatures! Travel to the island to confront the evil warlock, a vicious pack of wolves and dark forces in order to escape with your life!
6.9955.6%Jun 19, 2017
Entwined: Strings of Deception Logo
Entwined: Strings of Deception Logo
Entwined: Strings of Deception
Can you solve the grisly murder of Mr Christopher Edward, who has been brutally murdered in his home! Step into the shoes of detective Karla Robbins in this elaborate murder investigation and seek out the real culprit in this classic whodunit murder mystery!
5.9993.3%Jun 22, 2017
Entwined: The Perfect Murder Logo
Entwined: The Perfect Murder Logo
Entwined: The Perfect Murder
Mr. Turner was surrounded by people who could all benefit from his death but who actually murdered him? Play the detective in this classic whodunit mystery!
5.9966.7%Nov 12, 2018
Greed: The Mad Scientist Logo
Greed: The Mad Scientist Logo
Greed: The Mad Scientist
In this thrilling hidden object adventure the laboratory of the world famous scientist Dr. Ralph Goodwin is blown up. Find out what's behind the assault and find a missing drug, that can heal all diseases.
5.9972%Dec 17, 2018
Mysteries of Neverville: The Runestone of Light Logo
Mysteries of Neverville: The Runestone of Light Logo
Mysteries of Neverville: The Runestone of Light
Play a thrilling hidden object adventure and solve the mystery of Neverville and find the stolen runestone of light.
4.9967.9%Dec 21, 2018
Greed 2: Forbidden Experiments Logo
Greed 2: Forbidden Experiments Logo
Greed 2: Forbidden Experiments
Play the second part of the thrilling hidden object adventure "Greed"! Help Julia save her sister Sophia, who was abducted many years ago. Find out the sinister plans of the secret cult of the Oracles and stop their forbidden experiments.
6.9973.3%Jan 21, 2019
Epic Adventures: La Jangada Logo
Epic Adventures: La Jangada Logo
Epic Adventures: La Jangada
Help Minha in the hidden object adventure to save her father from the gallows in this 19th century. The epic story is based on Jules Verne’s novel La Jangada. Find evidence and solve intriuging puzzles as you travel through the great Amazon.
3.9940%Jan 20, 2019
Tales of Sorrow: Strawsbrough Town Logo
Tales of Sorrow: Strawsbrough Town Logo
Tales of Sorrow: Strawsbrough Town
Play the exciting hidden object adventure "Tales of Sorrow: Strawsbrough Town" and help Alfred save his fiancée Melissa from a curse.
3.9977.8%Jan 27, 2019
Greed 3: Old Enemies Returning Logo
Greed 3: Old Enemies Returning Logo
Greed 3: Old Enemies Returning
"Greed 3: Old Enemies Returning" is the last part of the thrilling "Greed" triology! Dr. Goodwin's miracle cure is once again under threat and Sara has contacted you for help. Old enemies are up to new tricks at Pontoon Laboratories and this time they are willing to kill to get their hands on the cure.
7.9954.6%Mar 11, 2019
Epic Adventures: Cursed Onboard Logo
Epic Adventures: Cursed Onboard Logo
Epic Adventures: Cursed Onboard
The sequel of Epic Adventures, "Epic Adventures: Cursed Onboard" takes you to a derelict ship stranded in the middle of the Great Amazon jungle. The recently discovered ship set sail in the 1970s but it never reached its destination. There were no survivors and the fate of the whole crew still remains a mystery.
4.9952.2%Apr 11, 2019
Scarytales: All Hail King Mongo Logo
Scarytales: All Hail King Mongo Logo
Scarytales: All Hail King Mongo
In this thrilling hidden object adventure the evil sorcerer Zarrar has returned to take vengeance upon your family and the kingdom from which he was banished years ago. After possessing your brother's mind through his dark magic, Zarrar seems to be unstoppable! Or can you find out, how to stop him?
3.9979.2%May 28, 2019
Outlaws: Corwin's Treasure Logo
Outlaws: Corwin's Treasure Logo
Outlaws: Corwin's Treasure
Unlock the mystery behind the famed Corwin’s treasure in this thrilling hidden object adventure! A unique story with realistic atmosphere in a rustic wild west setting.
4.9953.9%May 5, 2020